Lately I have been thinking alot about Ben. About when he was growing up and how special he was. He was my little buddy and as he grew up I always thought of him that way. I still do. He will always be my little buddy. I miss his everyday and losing him sucks. There is no other way to describe it, it just plain sucks.
People say time heals. I don't agree. I think we will never heal, we just get use to the loss and so it becomes a part of our new normal. We are faced with so many challenges in life. Getting over the death of a loved one is a huge challenge. If you are facing a loss in your life remember to give yourself a break. Take time out for you. Do what you want to do and not what others think you should do. You will find your new normal and eventually you will get use to the changes in your life. But take it from me there will still be moments when life will really suck so be sure to enjoy the moments that don't.
Love and peace to all. Annette
If you want to join me on this journey just scroll over to the right and subscribe to my blog. If you know someone who might need help dealing with their grief please share my blog with them.
People say time heals. I don't agree. I think we will never heal, we just get use to the loss and so it becomes a part of our new normal. We are faced with so many challenges in life. Getting over the death of a loved one is a huge challenge. If you are facing a loss in your life remember to give yourself a break. Take time out for you. Do what you want to do and not what others think you should do. You will find your new normal and eventually you will get use to the changes in your life. But take it from me there will still be moments when life will really suck so be sure to enjoy the moments that don't.
Love and peace to all. Annette
If you want to join me on this journey just scroll over to the right and subscribe to my blog. If you know someone who might need help dealing with their grief please share my blog with them.